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Auction News

AuctionFB - Technical Issue Update & Upgrade

RESOLVED: Over recent weeks a technical issue at eBay has meant that some users of the AuctionFB tool have seen their eBay feedback update delayed or not displayed. This has been an intermittent fault which affected only a small number of users of this tool and we have been working with eBay over several days to resolve this. eBay now assures us that this issue has now been resolved and after extensive testing this problem does appear to have been rectified.

Going forward we have rolled out a new patch to ensure that should this issue arise again then it will be dealt with seamlessly and the effects negated.

Whilst this was a technical issue outside of our control we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

AuctionFB - Upgrade

In addition to a raft of software upgrades we recently upgraded our server hardware & moved our hosting to an improved data centre with additional resources. We believe that this will ensure that we can cope with increasing demand across a range of tools. We have also detailed below some of the recently added front-end changes that have now been implemented:
  • Added Option To Change Date Format Display On Your Feedback Icon
  • Added Improved Feedback Icons Reflecting New eBay Logo
  • Added Account Password Reminder Facility
  • Added Option To Disable Your AuctionFB Icon Display
  • Restored Feedback Display/Blocking For Icons Included On eBay Pages
  • Added Multiple Feedback Updates

AuctionFB - Change Date Format

We have received several requests from users to allow the way the date is displayed on our Feedback Icons to be changed depending on the users individual requirements. Previously the date was only displayed as DD/MM/YY - but you can now choose between the default DD/MM/YY and MM/DD/YY. You can change how the date is displayed on your own Feedback Icon by following the instructions below - this does not require you to change any coding.
  • Log In To Your AuctionFB Account
  • Select Change/Edit My Account Settings
  • Select The Date Format You Require
  • Save The Changes
  • Your Icon Date Display Will Automatically Change

AuctionFB - Revisited

You have worked hard to ensure that you have a good feedback rating on eBay - display it with pride. Instil confidence in potential customers and drive extra sales by adding our eBay Feedback Icon to your web pages in seconds.

Getting started couldn't be easier as it is just a case of Registering For Free, copying the html code supplied and pasting it into your own web pages.

Questions? Please review our FAQ which has a range of the most common questions and answers.

[Display YOUR eBay Feedback]

Posted: Fri 27th September 10:55 GMT



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