Online auction site eBid - the UK's second largest auction site -
was recently reported to have hit the 6.5 million live listings mark,
with a gross value of $5 billion in merchandise offered for sale on the site.
eBid founder Mark Wilkinson in a recent interview commented,
"Needless to say, we're extremely happy at reaching this point.
I think the accelerated growth is due to a number of factors like our expansion into Brazil and
Malaysia as well as our continued marketing efforts in the U.S."
Whilst the number of live listings fluctuates (sometimes due to technical changes) it cannot be
denied that eBid now provides an important and viable alternative platform for auction users. From humble
beginnings back in 1999 eBid now has a presence in
over 100 countries and five continents.
With a growing and loyal user base eBid represents for many a back to basics approach to
online auctions. With various platforms morphing into an all encompassing shopping experience
eBid sticks to its core purpose - that of an online auction site.
If eBid can keep to this original vision then users, both buyers and sellers, will continue to
register with eBid.
One of the main criticisms levelled at, what are often called, alternative auction sites
is that they lack the volume of sales that the major player eBay enjoys. Whilst invariably
that may be true are we really comparing like-for-like? eBay has the marketing power and
presence to continually dominate the market but there is certainly room for more focussed
sites to co-habit the marketplace.
eBid has managed to attract sellers with a clear and cost effective pricing structure -
they appear on the whole to be optimistic for the future. As it grows and develops buyers
will continue to be attracted as they become more confident and familiar with the
platform. Certainly the feedback we have been receiving
here at AuctionLotwatch is that recent changes have started to have an impact and sales are on the increase.
[Visit eBid UK Auctions] [Visit eBid USA Auctions] [eBid International Sites List]
Posted: Tue October 30 03:30 GMT